近半年來,台北市內湖塞車問題,讓市長柯文哲飽受抨擊。他曾考慮要限制開車高承載,最近更拋出「打造輕軌」念頭,想模仿日本山手線,從信義區直通內科。但不管這方式可不可行,其實日本車廠 Toyota 已經有方法改善都會區交通,靠的就是這台三輪「電動汽機車」i-Road。
跪求臺灣政府核准上路!不怕下雨太陽的 Toyota i-Road Toyota i-Road - Renault Twizy 2017 JAPAN
The ultra-compact electric vehicle (EV), "TOYOTA i-ROAD", which caused quite a sensation when it was introduced in 2013, has evolved greatly from a concept vehicle. Consumer trials are currently underway on the streets of Tokyo. Delighted users have been amazed by the completely new, exhilarating riding experience and convenience.
跪求臺灣政府核准上路!不怕下雨太陽的 Toyota i-Road
撰文者:Vincent Wu發表日期:2016/04/12
近半年來,台北市內湖塞車問題,讓市長柯文哲飽受抨擊。他曾考慮要限制開車高承載,最近更拋出「打造輕軌」念頭,想模仿日本山手線,從信義區直通內科。但不管這方式可不可行,其實日本車廠 Toyota 已經有方法改善都會區交通,靠的就是這台三輪「電動汽機車」i-Road。
Body Evolution - Model Before and After More from this director: Time-lapse video shows the radical effect of photoshop on model's body. The clip, created for GlobalDemocracy.com, shows a girl turned into a bombshell glamor model with the help of a hair and make-up artist and of course, Photoshop. Thanks to: Mike Annese (photographer), Emma Hack (hair and makeup), Tim Piper from Piro (director), Sally Gifford (talent). A viral ad of a model being transformed using photoshop as shown on Good Morning America and the Today Show. Created for the purpose of media education. Music track "Body Evoluion" by Friends of Monkeys, published by Monkey Dream LLC. Thanks to Dove for posting this on their social This video is licensed to President of the World and globaldemocracy.com by the copyright owner
【炸鷄大獅】 貼近年輕朋友的潮流享樂;三五好友 Party 的必備點心。【炸鷄大獅】挾著雞肉達人的專業,嚴選有履歷的健康雞肉,在專家研發的配方下,打造「香透你嘴,汁汁入味」的感動。不管是「臻寶JIMBO」或「極餓獅排」等各種人氣炸雞產品,每一口都能像華爾滋般的溜進您的嘴裡。每次相聚最需要的歡樂伙伴,「大獅的炸雞,炸雞大獅」與年輕人永遠膩在一起!